Birds-Eye View
Tiny cardboard houses between tissue paper trees and grey felt roads. That's what it looked like, just a model city. An incredibly detailed and tiny model city. It wasn't, of course. It was Brisbane, the capital city of Queensland and a hugely popular tourist destination. My home. But from the air, everything looks tiny. Fascinating and detailed, like somebody spent many many hours carefully handcrafting each building and tree and road, and then set it all in motion. Really quite amazing. I was sitting next to Renata, sharing a window with her and craning my neck at an awkward angle to see out, and she said to me, “It's weird to think that once we get down there, we will be tiny people to all the planes too.” And I just thought, 'Wow! That's kind of deep, I need to think about this one.'
There were actually two things I got out of that birds-eye view. The first is that mankind thinks too highly of itself in general. We think, 'Look what I built! My city/tower/warehouse/villa is amazing! Look what I've done!' We get the Babel mentality happening. Build a city, make a name for ourselves. Look at me! Sometimes we get so caght up in the dusty grimy city streets we forget all that's out there. We need to slow down, zoom out, and recapture that sense of awe for all that G-d has done and made and is. Life isn't about us.
The second is that each individual person also often thinks too highly of themselves in comparison to others. To me sitting in that areoplane, I was a normal person, a full-size person, a 'real' person. The others were tiny, insignificant. Mildy interesting to a quick observation, but really barely even in my perception. How often is that the case in everyday life? There's us, then our peer or social group, the other passengers on our plane, so to speak. And then everyone else. Hardly noticable, barely there. Just tiny dots going about their insignificant lives over there somewhere. As long as they keep out of our faces, we're happy to just ignore them.
What is wrong with us? Where is the love of G-d in that? Are we not supposed to shine His love and His light? I know this is easier said than done. I personally have a really, really hard time with it. But that is what we are called to do. To love the unloved, the forgotten ones, all the tiny people that it's so much easier to ignore. Flying over Brisbane, I don't know what the population is. I think around the million mark, maybe more. I don't know almost any of those people. I know maybe thirty people in Brisbane. I hate to admit it, but those other people really mean nothing to me. I don't know them, they don't know me. They're just nameless faces doing various, nameless things. Annonymous. But G-d! He knows them all perfectly! He knows how many hairs on the head of each. He knows their names, their thoughts, their hopes, their dreams. He knows their sins and their struggles and their pain. He loves them, personally and deeply. And He wants us to understand that, and to love them too. They are His children. Just like we are His children. It's time to be a little kinder to strangers. They are people just like us, are loved just like us, and need love. Just like us.
March 17, 2009 at 11:37 PM
Hey Sara, great post!
It's true, we think highly of ourselves and the work of our hands. The poem "Ozymandias" by Shelley comes to mind.
Aye, love the stranger. It's one of the most often repeated commands in Scripture. 36 times it's mentioned. 36 is twice 18. 18 is the numerical value of the word "chai" (life). What does this teach us? If we love the stranger, then there will be life for the stranger and for us. :D
March 21, 2009 at 4:42 PM
Mmm, so true. Definitely food for thought. I think about that when people watching sometimes. Certainly not easy...
Good post :)
March 21, 2009 at 5:05 PM
Mmm, yes. I know that I'm not a tiny, inhuman dot on the earth. I know that you're not a tiny, inhuman dot on the earth. I know that my family, friends, loved ones have hearts, minds, souls. But those who see you in front of you in the long line at Wal-Mart don't see that. Those who take my order at Mickey D's don't see my dreams and passions. As well as we often don't search deeper within them. But God...oh, He knows us ALL better than we do ourselves. Praise Him Who is the Creator of the world! Lord, please help us to see people as you see people, love people as you love people, and serve people as you have commanded. Do not allow us to become numb to the burdens people around us carry. Your will be done.
March 22, 2009 at 8:30 AM
Hey Sara!
I like to share something I thought about as an older kid.
I'd look out the car window and see cars go by. There weren't CARS going by.
I'd think that my family was the who;e world. It gave me chills to think that a whole other world of people existed in the cars, not just my family in my life. Wow.
August 25, 2009 at 6:39 PM
Very true.
I like to think people matter, even if you don't know them personally.
As Neil Armstrong said: "All the people on this Earth are truly one."
Peace. :)