Just a little venting  


Short post cos I'm already way overtime on ye olde internet.

First, Samara's doing pretty well. Still researching stuff. Still waiting for her to come home. I've had a cold the last few days and haven't been able to visit. Getting better, should be able to visit by tomorrow.

I finished the Circle trilogy. Awesome books, but my tear ducts are broken, I'm sure. I didn't cry once, but I should have several times. Weird.

And now my rant. I'm really angry at Dad. TWO YEARS ago, he said he would get me the Abeka curriculum instead of this retarded Switched-On Schoolhouse thing I have now. Two years. I have learned almost nothing in that time, formal edumacation wise. I've learned heaps from all my friends and all the research I've done and all the writing on Disciples of Elyon and MyPraize (I would put a thing in there about how you should join them, but I think all my readers are already members lol), but noo, he wants me to do the formal work. Never mind that it drives me crazy. Never mind that I actually can't do the schoolwork because the only computer that works won't run the idiotic program. Never mind that the work makes no sense and is highly illogical. And that it often marks me wrong when I know I'm right, my paren'ts know I'm right, and the flippin calculator knows I'm right. I really hate that program. They only use it because it's easier. If they give me that, they don't have to mark my work, assign projects or essays, or do anything. Just me and the computer.

Did I mention I hate that program?

Also, my best subject was always Bible, but I don't like their version of it. There's absolutely no room for discussion or disagreement or questions or anything. You just feed it's own words back to it, in the correct order. NEVER learn theology or Bible study from a computer. Never T_T

Dad did say a few months ago that talking and debating online was enough. Not anymore. Reduced net time until I catch up on my school. Which I can't do because my laptop still doesn't work.

I like being homeschooled, but sometimes I think it would be easier to just go to a normal school. At least they wouldn't change their minds as often.

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6 comments: to “ Just a little venting

  • leo509
    November 6, 2008 at 2:38 AM  

    This is short? ;)

    Yay for Samara. Hope you get better soon and get to visit Samara.

    I've read Black and Red. Waiting on White. So far I'm liking them. I'm not one to cry from reading books but I could totally see where someone could cry from reading them.

    As someone once said to me, "Breathe." :)

    So you're angry at your dad. This happens. Venting here is one way to deal with it. Your parents have authority over you and get to decide what's best for you. You don't have to like it or agree with it, you do have to obey them though.

    So, sorry you won't be spending as much time online, but that's prolly for the best.

    I have no idea what a 'normal school' is. :) I went to public school and it certainly wasn't any picnic and teachers in public school can change their minds just as frequently as homeschool teachers.

    Be well,


  • Sara
    November 6, 2008 at 7:20 PM  

    Well.. it was going to be short, anyway :P

    I got to visit her last night :D

    Ohh, I'm waiting for your reaction on White. What are your thoughts on Black and Red? I think White is actually my favourite. It has just the right balance of bittersweet.


    You're right, of course. My schoolwork is a pretty sensitive issue for me. I know I'm not stupid, but I really struggle with that curriculum. I mean, I'm a high scorer, mainly As with a few Bs. So I'm not struggling to pass, but I'm struggling to learn. Do you know what I mean? I feel like I'm just wasting time and I'm not motivated at all. There's no challenge and no interest. I'm just another carbon copy 17 year old feeding computer generated answers into a cold, hard, dead computer. I hate it.

    I learn far more just hanging out on DoE or MyPraize than I do in my schoolwork. Heck, I learn more from reading Anne of Green Gables or the Circle Trilogy than I do from my schoolwork, because they at least make me think for myself.

    It's semi-ok now though. Dad says I can do my blog posts as schoolwork, and that's what my awesomness Trilogy Lesson was too :D

    I have no idea what a 'normal' school is either. I've never been to one. I've been homeschooled my entire life pretty much, and the two terms I spent in school was a tiny, 50 student Christian school. So yeah, I'm a tiny bit irrational when I'm frustrated. Ignore that comment ;)

    Thanks Leo. You always make my day so much better :)

  • leo509
    November 7, 2008 at 2:45 AM  

    Heh. How easy it is to get caught up in what we're talking about.

    Oh, how was your visit with Samara?

    I'm gonna pick up White today.
    Black and Red. Good writing. Dekker opens full throttle and keeps the pedal to the metal. Interesting Biblical allusions. I'm glad he didn't try to present Black and Red as retellings of Biblical stories. There are significant differences between what happens with Thomas Hunter, et al, and the stories in Genesis.

    I get it. Here's how I think of it... Learning's fun; school's a drag. You can learn anywhere anytime so long as you're open to receive knowledge. School too often has the opposite effect by making students unreceptive to knowledge. Who wants to memorize a bunch of facts they will probably not use later in life? The data is less important than the method. Learn how to study. Learn how to research. Learn how to ask questions-that's a very important skill. Encourage your natural curiosity. School dampens our curiosity by forcing us to learn what the school board says we HAVE to learn. I'm sorry it's such a drag for you. Try focusing on getting through one lesson at a time.

    It's cool that you learn from DOE and MyPraize and from your own reading. Just don't let that substitute for your homeschooling. It can complement but shouldn't replace.

    Yay for blogposts! :)

    You're quite welcome. And hey, what a nice compliment. Thanks, Sara :)

  • Restoration
    November 7, 2008 at 10:19 AM  

    Learning squat is better than learning from Abeka, trust me. I've dealt with that curriculum many times throughout my life. I'd rather learn nothing, because that curriculum teaches you things that are flat out wrongo.

  • Sara
    November 8, 2008 at 7:07 PM  

    Meh. At least I can disagree with Abeka without it directly affecting my grades. I don't really want to do any curriculum, but I'll take Abeka over AlphaOmega (the actual curriculum Switched-On Schoolhouse runs on) any day.

  • Sara
    November 8, 2008 at 7:17 PM  

    Extremely easy ;)

    My visit with Samara was good, it's the last I'm going to have for a while. I'll explain about that on DoE.

    Yes. Best books I've read. Well, maybe not quite, but awfully close ^_^

    Well, Dad's done some research, and I can do my SATS through the Groves Christian College, the school that most homeschoolers in Queensland work through. It's basically a distance school with no set curriculum, so students are still homeschooled and just do their tests through the school. If I can pass, I'm allowed to be finished with school!

    One third of the score is reading comprehension, no problem. One third is writing, again no problem. The final third is math... yeah, that's gonna be a problem >_<

    So I have to get a lot better with Math. But, it's most definitely worth it :D



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